Interactive Fiction
"Tapestry shone...of all the games in the competition, I got probably the most thought out of this one, and it also had some of the most evocative writing." Suzanne Skinner
"Innovative and convincingly executed." Chuan-Tze Teo
"I loved the writing ... particularly the purgatorial prologue scenes. Vivid and absorbing, the prose makes you feel..." C.E. Forman
An Interactive Destiny
2nd Place, 1996 Interactive Fiction Competition
Winner, Best Story; Finalist, Best Writing in the 1996 Xyzzy Awards
It is a symbol and a tool. It is your past and your future. It is all things, in time. You, Timothy Hunter, have lived, and like all things mortal you have died. But the aftermath of that lifetime is anything but simple...
Faced with creatures beyond your ken, the fruition of whose inscrutible motives hinge on your decisions, what will you do? Will you face who and what you once were? Or will you try to change things for the better? Or the worse?
Written for the 2nd Annual Interactive Fiction Competition, TAPESTRY is about the morality of choice, and some of the viewpoints humanity has held about fate and accountability.
Available for download:
- Z5 game file - requires a Z-Code Interpreter
- Readme
- Instructions
- Walkthrough
drawing by J. Robinson Wheeler

" 'in media res' beginning I've seen in an IF game yet." Lucian P. Smith
"...positively the most brilliant IF game I have ever played." Kristian Andresen
"There are moments that made me completely forget about the real world, and focus entirely on what was happening in the game. In short: you must play this game." Jess Knoch
1st Place, 2003 Interactive Fiction Competition
Winner, Best Game, Best Story, Best Setting, Best Individual NPC;
Finalist, Best Writing, Best NPCs, Best Individual PC, Best Use of Medium in the 2003 XYZZY Awards
In the beginning was the Word, and it was hungry.
Enter a steampunk adventure set in a London that might have been. The year is 1885. Bedlam Hospital still stands in Moorsfield, a decaying shell used to house the poor and the hopeless. Steam-driven mechanical wonders roam the streets. Gear-wheeled analytical engines spin out reams of thought onto punched paper tapes.
And in the darkness - in the alleys and the side shops - hide secrets.
Written with Star C. Foster for the 9th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition, SLOUCHING TOWARDS BEDLAM faces you with a mystery that could change the very nature of mankind - and leaves the decision in your hands.
Available for download as a Z5 game file - requires a Z-Code Interpreter.