Slouching Towards Bedlam — 13 of 76

Star C. Foster and Daniel Ravipinto

Release 1

Chapter 10 - Conversation

Section 1 - Subjects

Section 1(a) - People

Understand "Emanuel" or "Barthelemy" or "Emanuel Barthelemy" as "[barthelemy]".

Understand "Dr" or "Doctor" or "Brand" or "Dr/Doctor Brand" as "[brand]".

Understand "Cleve" or "Anderson" or "Cleve Anderson" as "[cleve]".

Understand "cypherists" or "cypherist" as "[cypherists]".

Understand "Ms Monde/DuMonde" or "Monde" or "DuMonde" or "Du Monde" as "[dumonde]".

Understand "James" or "Houlihan" or "James Houlihan" or "Assistant" as "[james]".

Understand "Daniel" or "McNaughton" or "Daniel McNaughton" as "[mcnaughton]".

Understand "Queen" or "Victoria" or "Queen Victoria" as "[queen]".

Understand "Reggie" or "Reginald" or "driver" as "[reginald]".

Understand "you" or "yourself" or "him" or "himself" or "her" or "herself" as "[self]".

Understand "me" or "Thomas" or "Xavier" or "Thomas Xavier" as "[xavier]".

Understand "Madame" or "Zola" or "Madame Zola" or "fortune teller" or "fortune-teller" as "[zola]".