Section 1(c) - Things
[Why explicitly "green" / "fairy" / "green fairy" / "the green fairy"? It seems to be the only way to get this to work...?]
Understand "absinthe" or "green" or "fairy" or "green fairy" or "the green fairy" as "[absinthe]".
Understand "aetheric" or "amplifier" as "[aetheric amplifier]".
Understand "Betsy" or "horse" as "[betsy]".
Understand "drawer" or "drawers" or "counter" as "[drawer]".
Understand "madness" or "insanity" as "[madness]".
Understand "pin" or "the pin" or "her pin" as "[pin]".
Understand "fainting" or "spells" or "fainting spells" or "illness" or "sickness" or "recovery" or "recovered" as "[sickness]".
Understand "time" or "time travel" as "[time travel]".
Understand "black box/device/cube" or "box" or "device" or "cube" or "Triage" as "[triage]".
Understand "worm" or "worms" as "[worm]".
Instead of answering the noun that something, try telling the noun about it.