Section 1(c) - Triage
Triage is in the Office. "[if Triage is in Office and we have not examined Triage]A black cube on wheels sits near the door to the south.[otherwise if Triage is in Office and we have examined Triage]Triage sits near the door to the south.[otherwise]Triage rests obediently nearby." The description is "Not a box but a cube; there is no hinge. A fine grid is engraved on its top, dividing it into a myriad of tiny squares. The cube sits on four black rubber wheels, attached by a set of brass leggings that seem capable of telescoping downward.[paragraph break]The only other feature of note is a small emerald, set in its side, beneath which is a plaque with the inscription 'TRIAGE MK. III'.[if emerald is switched on][paragraph break]Triage hums slightly as the emerald pulses with a soft, green glow." Instead of switching on Triage, try switching on the emerald. The analysis is "CAT:TRIAGE.ANALY[line break]TICAL.ENGINE.UTI[line break]L:EXAMINATION.AN[line break]D.ANALYSIS.OF.OB[line break]JECTS.AND.DATA.P[line break]ART:TRIAGE.MK.II[line break]I.UNIT.CURRENT.O[line break]PERATOR=T.XAVIER". Understand "black box" or "cube" as Triage.
Instead of taking Triage, say "Triage is much too heavy to move about in such a manner."
The emerald is part of Triage. The emerald is a device. The emerald is switched off. The description is "[if emerald is switched on]The size and shape of an eye, it glows steadily occasionally flickering.[otherwise]Dark green to the point of blackness, it is the size and shape of an eye." The emerald is switched off. Instead of pushing the emerald when the emerald is switched on, try switching off the emerald. Instead of pushing the emerald when the emerald is switched off, try switching on the emerald.
The screen is part of Triage. Understand "grid" as the screen. The screen has some text called the current display. The description is "[if the emerald is switched off]Triage's screen is currently blank.[otherwise]The machine's screen is on and reads:[paragraph break][fixed letter spacing][the current display of the screen][variable letter spacing][run paragraph on][end if]".
Instead of switching on the emerald for the first time:
now the emerald is switched on;
say "From within the device comes a sharp clunk, followed by a gentle humming. The emerald blinks slowly -- once, twice -- then glows steadily. The grid of squares which makes up the thing's screen pivot back and forth, seemingly at random, causing ripples of motion across its surface.[paragraph break]With a sudden purpose, they begin to flip, revealing hundreds of tiny symbols engraved on their surfaces. The squares continue for a moment, then begin to settle line by line like a fall of rain into a pattern...[paragraph break]";
now the current display of the screen is "INIT.CYCLE.COMP.[line break]MILL.UNIT.ONLINE[line break]STORE.DECRYPT/CO[line break]MPRESS.BOOT.STAC[line break]K.COMP.OP.SYSTEM[line break]UNIT.VER.3.REG:.[line break]DR..SIMON..BRAND[line break]SET MODE:ANALYZE[line break]";
say "[fixed letter spacing][the current display of the screen][variable letter spacing]".
After switching on the emerald:
say "Triage again starts up, its emerald lighting like an awakening eye."
After switching off the emerald:
say "The emerald's light cuts off as the squares flip back to their original blank state. Triage's humming slowly lowers in pitch and volume until finally it is silent."
Instead of pointing at the screen when Triage is visible and the emerald is switched on, try pointing at Triage.
Instead of pointing at the emerald when Triage is visible and the emerald is switched on, try pointing at Triage.
Every turn:
if the emerald is switched on:
if the location of Triage is not the location of the player:
let the way be the best route from the location of Triage to the location of the player, using doors;
try Triage going the way;
After Triage going:
say "[one of]Triage obediently appears.[or]Triage trundles patiently along beside.[or]Triage silently rolls to a stop.[at random]"
A room can be climeable or not climeable. A room is usually not climeable.
Before going from a climeable room when Triage is visible and the emerald is switched on:
if the noun is up or the noun is down:
say "Cunningly extending and contracting its wheels, Triage easily follows [if the noun is up]up[otherwise]down[end if] the stairs..."